Aarhus Universitets segl

Index of authors in Black Sea Studies (BSS) and Sortehavsstudier (SHS)

Alcock, S.E. & Rempel, J.E.
-The More Unusual Dots on the Map: "Special-Purpose" Sites and the Texture of Landscape (BSS 4, p. 27-46)

Archibald, Z.H.
-Contacts between the Ptolemaic Kingdom and the Black Sea in the Early Hellenistic Age (BSS 6, p. 253-272)

Attema, P., Guldager Bilde, P., Neef, W. de, Winther-Jacobsen, K.
-Appendix 1: Site Catalogue (BSS 14, p. 165-278)

Attema, P.
-Conflict or Coexistence? Remarks on Indigenous Settlement and Greek Colonization in the Foothills and Hinterland of the Sibaritide (Northern Calabria, Italy) (BSS 8, p. 67-100)
-Field Methodology, Recording and Analytical Procedures (BSS 14, p. 19-36, plates)

Avram, A.
-An Istrian Dedication to Leto (BSS 1, p. 87-91)
-Some Thoughts about the BlackS Sea and the Slave Trade before the Roman Domination (6th-1st Centuries BC) (BSS 6, p. 239-252)
-The Territories of Istros and Kallatis (BSS 4, p. 59-80)

Babaev, I., Knauss, F. & Gagoshidze, I.
-A Persian Propylon in Azerbaijan. Excavations at Karacamirli (BSS 11, p. 111-122)

Badoud, N.
-The Contribution of Inscriptions to the Chronology of Rhodian Amphora Eponyms (BSS 16, p. 17-28)

Ballesteros-Pastor, L.
-Troy, between Mithridates and Rome (BSS 9, p. 217-232)

Baralis, A.
-The Chora Formation of the Greek Cities of Aegean Thrace. Towards a Chronological Approach to the Colonization Process(BSS 8, p. 101-130)

Bekker-Nielsen, T.
-Dion som kommunalpolitiker (SHS 4, p. 45-59)
-Local Politics in an Imperial Context (BSS 5, p. 109-118)
-Ptolemaios fra Alexandria og hans samtidige (SHS 1, p. 55-66)
-The One That Got Away: A Reassessment of the Agoranomos Inscription from Chersonesos (VDI 1947.2, 245; NEPKH II, 129)(BSS 6, p. 123-132)
-The Technology and Productivity of Ancient Sea Fishing (BSS 2, p. 83-95)
-Urban Life and Local Politics in Roman Bithynia: The Small World of Dion Chrysostomos (BSS 7, p. 1-211)

Berlin, A., Herbert, S. & Stone, P.
-Dining in State: The Table Wares from the Persian-Hellenistic Administrative Building at Kadesh (BSS 16, p. 307-321)

Bilde, P.G., Attema, P, Neef, W. de & Winther-Jacobsen
-Appendix 1: Site Catalogue (BSS 14, p. 165-278)

Bilde, P.G., Lawall, M.L., Bjerg, L., Handberg, S. & Højte, J.M.
-The Lower City of Olbia Pontike Occupation and Abandonment in the 2nd Century BC (BSS 16, p. 29-45)

Bilde, P.G.
-Some Reflections on Eschatological Currents, Diasporic Experience and Group Identity in the Northwestern Black Sea Region (BSS 8, p. 29-46)
-Templer ved Sortehavet (SHS 2, p. 29-51)
-Wandering Images: From Taurian (and Chersonesean) Parthenosto (Artemis) Tauropolos and (Artemis) Persike (BSS 1, p. 165-183)
-The Finds: A Brief Introduction (BSS 13, p. 117-120)
-F Mouldmade Bowls (BSS 13, p. 269-288, plates 168-195)
-P Terracottas (BSS 13, p. 439-464, plates 327-348)
-Introduction (BSS 14, p. 13-18, plate)
-The Material Culture of the DSP Landscape (BSS 14, p. 103-134, plates)
-Prehistory and History of the DSP Landscape (BSS 14, 135-158, plates)
-The Broader Tarchankut and Western Crimean Context (BSS 14, p. 159-164)

Bill, A.
-Achaemenids in the Caucasus (BSS 11, p. 7-14)

Bintliff, J.
-Issues in the Economic and Ecological Understanding of the Chora of the Classical Polis in its Social Context: A View from Intensive Survey Tradition of the Greek Homeland (BSS 4, p. 13-26)

Bjerg, L., Lawall, M.L., Guldager Bilde, P., Handberg, S. & Højte, J.M.
-The Lower City of Olbia Pontike Occupation and Abandonment in the 2nd Century BC (BSS 16, p. 29-45)

Bozkova, A.
West Slope Pottery from Mesambria Pontike (BSS 16, p. 199-214)

Braund, D.
-Black Sea Grain for Athens? From Herodotus to Demosthenes (BSS 6, p. 39-68)
-Scythian Laughter: Conversations in the Northern Black Sea Region in the 5th Century BC (BSS 8, p. 347-368)
-The Bosporan Kings and Classical Athens: Imagined Breaches in a Cordial Relationship (Aisch. 3.171-172; [Dem.] 34.36)(BSS 1, p. 197-208)

Brosius, M.
-Pax Persica and the Peoples of the Black Sea Region: Extent and Limits of Achaemenid Imperial Ideology (BSS 11, p. 29-40)

Bujskich, A.V.
-X Architectural Details (BSS 13, p. 523-524, plates 406-407)

Bujskich, S.B.
-Die Chora des pontischen Olbia: Die Hauptetappen der räumlich-strukturellen Entwicklung (BSS 4, p. 115-140)

Buravčuk, O.E.
-C Red-figured Pottery (BSS 13, p. 171-184, plates 88-97)

Bylkova, V.P.
-The Chronology of Settlements in the Lower Dnieper Region (BSS 3, p. 217-247)

Callataÿ, F. de
-Coins and Archaeology: the (Mis)use of Mithridatic Coins for Chronological Purposes in the Bosporan Area (BSS 3, p. 119-136)
-The First Royal Coinages of Pontos (from Mithridates III to Mithridates V) (BSS 9, p. 63-94)

Carstens, A.M.
-Cultural Contact and Cultural Change: Colonialism and Empire (BSS 5, p. 119-132)
-The Labraunda Sphinxes (BSS 11, p. 41-46)

Carter, J.C.
-Towards a Comparative Study of Chorai West and East: Metapontion and Chersonesos (BSS 4, p. 175-206)

Christensen, A.S.
-Ammianus Marcellinus' beretning om Sortehavsegnene (SHS 1, p. 67-83)

Conovici, N.
-The Dynamics of Trade in Transport Amphoras from Sinope, Thasos and Rhodos on the Western Black Sea Coast: a Comparative Approach (BSS 3, p. 97-117)

Conrad, S.
-Archaeological Survey on the Lower Danube: Results and Perspectives (BSS 4, p. 309-331)

Corsten, T.
-The Role and Status of the Indigenous Population in Bithynia (BSS 5, p. 85-92)

Curtis, R.I.
-Sources for Production and Trade of Greek and Roman Processed Fish (BSS 2, p. 31-46)

Delvigne, J.
-Environmental Aspects of the DSP Landscape (BSS 14, p. 37-52, plates)

Diatroptov, P.D., Lawall, M., Lejpunskaja, N.A. & Samojlova, T.L.
-L Transport Amphoras (BSS 13, p. 355-406, plates 270-301)

Domanskij, J.V. & Marčenko, K.K.
-Towards Determining the Chief Function of the Settlement of Borysthenes (BSS 1, p. 29-36)

Domzalski, K.
-Changes in Late Classical and Hellenistic Fine Pottery Production in the Eastern Mediterranean as Reflected by Imports in the Pontic Area (BSS 6, p. 161-182)

Doonan, O.
-Exploring Community in the Hinterland of a Black Sea Port (BSS 4, p. 47-58)

Drijvers, J.W.
-Strabon om Sortehavet (SHS 1, p. 43-54)

Due, B.
-Kulturmødet mellem græker og barbar hos Xenofon (SHS 1, p. 35-42)

Dueck, D.
-Memnon of Herakleia on Rome and the Romans (BSS 5, p. 43-62)

Dupont, P. & Lungu, V.
Imports and Local Imitations of Hellenistic Pottery in the Northwest Black Sea Area: Hadra and Pseudo-Hadra Wares (BSS 16, p. 233-254)

Dupont, P.
-Crucible or Damper? (BSS 1, p. 239-245)

Ejstrud, B.
-Size Matters: Estimating Trade of Wine, Oil and Fish-Sauce from Amphorae in the First Century AD (BSS 2, p. 171-181)

Erciyas, D.B.
-Komana Pontike: A City or a Sanctuary? (BSS 9, p. 289-312)

Erlikh, V.R.
-Recent Investigations of the Ulski Kurgans (BSS 11, p. 47-66)

Fenn, N.
-The Hellenistic Mouldmade Bowl Production at Priene – A Case Study Concerning the Reception of Ephesian Examples (BSS 16, p. 141-156)

Fleischer, R.
-The Rock-tombs of the Pontic Kings in Amaseia (Amasya) (BSS 9, p. 109-120)

Gabelko, O.L.
-The Dynastic History of the Hellenistic Monarchies of Asia Minor According to the Chronography of George Synkellos (BSS 9, p. 47-62)

Gabrielsen, V. & Lund, J.
-A Fishy Business. Transport Amphorae of the Black Sea Region as a Source for the Trade in Fish and Fish Products in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods (BSS 2, p. 161-169)

Gabrielsen, V.
-Mithradates VI og de græske byer (SHS 3, p. 25-42)
-Trade and Tribute: Byzantion and the Black Sea Straits (BSS 6, p. 287-324)

Gagoshidze, I., Knauss, F. & Babaev, I.
-A Persian Propylon in Azerbaijan. Excavations at Karacamirli (BSS 11, p. 111-122)

Garlan, Y.
-Échanges d'amphores timbrées entre Sinope et la Méditerranée aux époques classique et hellénistique (BSS 6, p. 143-148)

Gavriljuk, N.A.
-Fishery in the Life of the Nomadic Population of the Northern Black Sea Area in the Early Iron Age (BSS 2, p. 105-113)
-Social and Economic Stratification of the Scythians from the Steppe Region Based on Black-glazed Pottery from Burials (BSS 8, p. 237-262)
-The Graeco-Scyhtian Slave-trade in the 6th and 5th Centuries BC (BSS 1, p. 75-85)
-I Cookingware (BSS 13, p. 325-334, plates 259-261)
-K Handmade Pottery (BSS 13, p. 335-354, plates 262-269)

Gavrilov, A.V.
-Coin Finds from the Kuru Baš Fortified Settlement and Some Questions Concerning the History of Theodosia in the Late 2nd and 1st Centuries BC (BSS 9, p. 329-352)
-The First Results of the Archaeological Surveys Near Cape Čauda and Lake Kačik on the Kerch Peninsula (BSS 8, p. 193-206)
-Theodosia and its Chora in Antiquity (BSS4, p. 249-272)

Gergova, D.
-Orphic Thrace and Achaemenid Persia (BSS 11, p. 67-86)

Goroncharrovskij, V.
-A Silver Rhyton with a Representation of a Winged Ibex from the Fourth Semibratniy Tumulus (BSS 11, p. 87-102)

Greaves, A.
-Milesians in the Black Sea: Trade, Settlement and Religion (BSS 6, p. 9-22)

Handberg, S., Lawall, M.L., Guldager Bilde, P., Bjerg, L. & Højte, J.M.
-The Lower City of Olbia Pontike Occupation and Abandonment in the 2nd Century BC (BSS 16, p. 29-45)

Handberg, S. & Petersen, J.H.
-D Glossed Pottery (BSS 13, p. 185-260, plates 98-152)

Handberg, S.
-Appendix 2A: Finds per Site (BSS 14, p. 279-377)
-Appendix 2B: Finds Catalogue (BSS 14, p. 378-430, plates)

Hannestad, L.
-Hverdagsguder. Græske terrakotter ved Sortehavet (SHS 2, p. 65-74)
-The Dating of the Monumental Building U6 at Panskoe I (BSS 3, p. 179-192)
-Timber as a Trade Resource of the Black Sea (BSS 6, p. 85-100)

Herbert, S., Berlin, A. & Stone, P.
-Dining in State: The Table Wares from the Persian-Hellenistic Administrative Building at Kadesh (BSS 16, p. 307-321)

Hinge, G.
-Den Borysthenitiske Tale – oplæst i hjemlandet. Oversat af George Hinge (SHS 4, p. 79-91)
-Dions Borysthenitiske Tale. Et zoroastrisk opgør med skythervæsenet (SHS 4, p. 61-77)
-Dionysos and Herakles in Scythia ‒ The Eschatological String of Herodotos’ Book 4 (BSS 8, p. 369-398)
-Herodots skythiske nomader (SHS 1, p. 13-33)
-Mithradates' brev: romkritik eller terroristisk retorik (SHS 3, p. 57-75)
-Scythian and Spartan Analogies in Herodotos’ Representation: Rites of Initiation and Kinship Groups (BSS 1, p. 55-74)
-Sjælevandring Skythien tur-retur (SHS 2, p. 11-27)

Højte, J.M., Lawall, M.L., Guldager Bilde, P., Bjerg, L. & Handberg, S.
-The Lower City of Olbia Pontike Occupation and Abandonment in the 2nd Century BC (BSS 16, p. 29-45)

Højte, J.M.
-From Kingdom to Province: Reshaping Pontos after the Fall of Mithridates VI (BSS 5, p. 15-30)
-Mithradates, Pompejus og Alexander den Store (SHS 3, p. 43-55)
-Om forsidebilledet (SHS 1, p. 11-12)
-Portraits and Statues of Mithridates VI (BSS 9, p. 145-162)
-Tempelstater i Pontos: Komana Pontike, Zela og Ameria (SHS 2, p. 75-97)
-The Administrative Organisation of the Pontic Kingdom (BSS 9, p. 95-108)
-The Archaeological Evidence for Fish Processing in the Black Sea Region (BSS 2, p. 133-160)
-The Cities that Never Were. Failed Attempts at Colonization in the Black Sea (BSS 8, p. 149-162)
-The Date of the Alliance between Chersonesos and Pharnakes (IOSPE I² 402) and Its Implications (BSS 3, p. 137-152)
-The Death and Burial of Mithridates VI (BSS 9, p. 121-130)
-The Statue Bases of Claudius. A Reassessment of The Portraiture of Claudius by Meriwether Stuart (BSS 1, p. 365-388)
-O Lamps (BSS 13, p. 423-438, plates 318-326)

Jacobsen, A.F.L.
-The Reliability of Fishing Statistics as a Source for Catches and Fish Stocks in Antiquity (BSS 2, p. 97-104)

James, S.
-Bridging the Gap: Local Pottery Production in Corinth 146-44 BC (BSS 16, p. 47-63)

Kac, V.I.
-A New Chronology for the Ceramic Stamps of Herakleia Pontike (BSS 1, p. 261-278)

Kakhidze, A. & Vickers, M.
-A Kolchian and Greek Settlement: Excavations at Pičvnari 1967 to 2005 (BSS 8, p. 131-148)

Kakhidze, E.
-Apsaros: A Roman Fort in Southwestern Georgia (BSS 8, p. 303-332)

Karjaka, A.V.
-Amphora Finds of the 4th Century BC from the Settlements of the Lower Dnieper Region (BSS 6, p. 133-142)
-The Defense Wall in the Northern Part of the Lower City of Olbia Pontike (BSS 8, p. 163-180)
-The Demarcation System of the Agricultural Environment of Olbia Pontike (BSS 8, p. 181-192)
-G Greyware Pottery (BSS 13, p. 289-304, plates 196-222)
-H Redware Pottery (BSS 13, p. 305-324, plates 223-258)
-V Tiles (BSS 13, p. 521-522, plates 404-405)

Kienlin, A. von & Summerer, L.
-Achaemenid Impact in Paphlagonia: Rupestral Tombs in the Amnias Valley (BSS 11, p. 195-222)

Knauss, F., Gagoshidze, I. & Babaev, I.
-A Persian Propylon in Azerbaijan. Excavations at Karacamirli (BSS 11, p. 111-122)

Krapivina, V.V.
-Bronze Weights from Olbia (BSS 1, p. 117-130)
-Problems of the Chronology of the Late Hellenistic Strata of Olbia (BSS 3, p. 249-257)
-Building Remains and Accompanying Finds, First Centuries AD (BSS 13, p. 103-114, plates 49-58)
-E Red-glossed Pottery (BSS 13, p. 261-268, plates 153-167)
-L Transport Amphoras, Roman Period (BSS 13, p. 407-410, plates 302-306)
-Late Hellenistic Red-Slip Ware in Olbia (BSS 16, p. 287-294)
-T Weights (BSS 13, p. 519-520, plates 402-403)

Kögler, P.
Table Ware from Knidos: The Local Production during the 2nd and 1st Centuries BC (BSS 16, p. 157-173)

Kravčenko, E.A. & Zubar’, V.M.
-Interpretation of a Group of Archaeological Sites in the Vicinity of Tauric Chersonesos (BSS 1, p. 185-195)

Kreuz, P.-A.
-Monuments for the King: Royal Presence in the Late Hellenistic World of Mithridates VI (BSS 9, p. 131-144)

Krutilov, V.V.
-Ra Small Stone Objects (BSS 13, p. 469-472, plates 351-356)
-Rb Moulds (BSS 13, p. 473-478, plates 357-361)
-Rc Metal Objects (BSS 13, p. 479-482, plates 362-364)
-Rd Bone Objects (BSS 13, p. 483-486, plates 365-369)

Kryžickij, S.D. & Lejpunskaja, N.A.
-The Lower City and Sector NGS: History of Research (BSS 13, p. 13-18)
-The Main Stages of Development of Building Activity in the Lower City (BSS 13, p. 19-26)
-Building Remains and Accompanying Finds, 6th-1st Century BC (BSS 13, p. 27-102, plates 1-48)

Kryžickij, S.D.
-On the Problem of the Reliability of Reconstructions of Greek Architecture in the Northern Black Sea Region (BSS 1, p. 227-237)
-The Rural Environs of Olbia: Some Problems of Current Importance (BSS 4, p. 99-114)

Kutajsov, V.A.
-The Chora of Kerkinitis (BSS 4, p. 141-150)

Kvapil, L., Sanders, G.D.R. & Miura, Y.
-A Re-examination of Some of the South Stoa Wells at Corinth (BSS 16, p. 65-81)

Lawall, M.L., Guldager Bilde, P., Bjerg, S., Handberg, S. & Højte, J.M.
-The Lower City of Olbia Pontike Occupation and Abandonment in the 2nd Century BC (BSS 16, p. 29-45)

Lawall, M., Lejpunskaja, N.A., Diatroptov, P.D. & Samojlova, T.L.
-L Transport Amphoras (BSS 13, p. 355-406, plates 270-301)

Lawall, M.
-Negotiating Chronologies: Aegean Ampora Research, Thasian Chronology, and Pnyx III (BSS 3, p. 31-67)

Lejpunskaja, N.A., Lawall, M., Diatroptov, P.D. & Samojlova, T.L.
-L Transport Amphoras (BSS 13, p. 355-406, plates 270-301)

Lejpunskaja, N.A. & Kryžickij, S.D.
-The Lower City and Sector NGS: History of Research (BSS 13, p. 13-18)
-The Main Stages of Development of Building Activity in the Lower City (BSS 13, p. 19-26)
-Building Remains and Accompanying Finds, 6th-1st Century BC (BSS 13, p. 27-102, plates 1-48)

Lejpunskaja, N.A.
-A Late Archaic Painted Tableware (BSS 13, p. 121-142, plates 59-74)
-M Louteria (BSS 13, p. 411-418, plates 307-315)
-N Thick-walled Pottery (BSS 13, p. 419-422, plates 316-317)
-Q Sculpture (BSS 13, p. 465-468, plates 349-350)

Lomtadze, G. & Zuravlev, D.
-Hellenistic Pottery from the Necropolis of Olbia Pontike (BSS 16, p. 175-197)

Lund, J & Gabrielsen, V.
-A Fishy Business. Transport Amphorae of the Black Sea Region as a Source for the Trade in Fish and Fish Products in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods (BSS 2, p. 161-169)

Lund, J.
-Pots and Politics: Reflections on the Circulation of Pottery in the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Kingdoms (BSS 16, p. 297-305)
-The Circulation of Ceramic Fine Wares and Transport Amphorae from the Black Sea Region in the Mediterranean, c. 400 BC-AD 200 (BSS 6, p. 183-194)

Lungu, V. & Dupont, P.
Imports and Local Imitations of Hellenistic Pottery in the Northwest Black Sea Area: Hadra and Pseudo-Hadra Wares (BSS 16, p. 233-254)

Madsen, J.M.,
-Dion af Prusa: en bitter mand (SHS 4, p. 15-27)
-Intellectual Resistance to Roman Hegemony and its Representativity (BSS 5, p. 63-84)
-Mithradates VI og truslen fra Rom (SHS 3, p. 11-23)
-The Ambitions of Mithridates VI: Hellenistic Kingship and Modern Interpretations (BSS 9, p. 191-202)

Marčenko, K.K. & Domanskij, J.V.
-Towards Determining the Chief Function of the Settlement of Borysthenes (BSS 1, p. 29-36)

Marek, C.
-Hellenisation and Romanisation in Pontos-Bithynia: An Overview (BSS 9, p. 35-46)

Mastrocinque, A.
-The Antikythera Shipwreck and Sinope’s Culture during the Mithridatic Wars (BSS 9, p. 313-320)

McGing, B.C.
-Mithridates VI Eupator: Victim or Aggressor? (BSS 9, p. 203-216)

Mejer, J.
-Dion Chrysostomos og filosofien (SHS 4, p. 93-103)

Meyer, J.C.
-What Have the Romans ever Done for Us? How to Win Wars and also the Peace (BSS 5, p. 133-150)

Miura, Y., Sanders, G.D.R. & Kvapil, L.
-A Re-examination of Some of the South Stoa Wells at Corinth (BSS 16, p. 65-81)

Molev, E.A.
-Bosporos and Chersonesos in the 4th-2nd Centuries BC (BSS 1, p. 209-215)
-Bosporos under the Rule of Mithridates VI Eupator (BSS 9, p. 321-328)

Monachov, S.Ju.
-Amphorae from Unidentified Centres in the North Aegean (BSS 1, p. 247-259)
-Rhodian Amphoras: Developments in Form and Measurements (BSS 3, p. 69-95)

Mordvinceva, V.
-The Royal Grave from the Time of Mithridates Eupator in the Crimea (BSS 3, p. 275-285)
-Phalerae of Horse Harnesses in Votive Depositions of the 2nd-1st century BC in the North Pontic Region and the Sarmatian Paradigm (BSS 8, p. 47-68)

Morel, J.-P.
Les campaniennes A et B, deux aspects d'une "globalisation" économique et culturelle des céramiques tardo-hellénistiques (BSS 16, p. 323-335)

Moreno, A.
-Athenian Wheat-Tsars: Black Sea Grain and Elite Culture (BSS 6, p. 69-84)

Nazarčuk, V.I.
-B Black-figured Pottery (BSS 13, p. 143-170, plates 75-87)

Neef, W. de, Attema, P. Guldager Bilde, P. & Winther-Jacobsen, K.
-Appendix 1: Site Catalogue (BSS 14, p. 165-278)

Neef, W. de
-Appendix 3A-C: Soil Augerings (BSS 14, p. 434-437)

Nieling, J
-Die Einführung der Eisentechnologie in Südkaukasien und Ostanatolien während der Spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit (BSS 10, p. 1-363)
-Persian Imperial Policy Behind the Rise and Fall of the Cimmerian Bosporus in the Last Quarter of the Sixth to the Beginning of the Fifth Century BC (BSS 11, p. 123-136)

Nikolaenko, G.M.
-The Chersonesean Chora in Light of the New Investigations in the Herakleian Peninsula (1991-2003) (BSS 1, p. 131-144)
-The Chora of Tauric Chersonesos and the Cadastre of the 4th-2nd Century BC (BSS 4, p. 151-174)

Novičenkova, N.G.
-Mountainous Crimea: A Frontier Zone of Ancient Civilization (BSS 8, p. 287-302)

Ochotnikov, S.B.
-The Chorai of the Ancient Cities in the Lower Dniester Area (6th Century BC-3rd Century AD) (BSS 4, p. 81-98)

Olbrycht, M.J.
-Mithridates VI Eupator and Iran (BSS 9, p. 163-190)

Opait, A.
-A Weighty Matter: Pontic Fish Amphorae (BSS 6, p. 101-122)

Osborne, R.
-Reciprocal Strategies: Imperialism, Barbarism and Trade in Archaic and Classical Olbia (BSS 8, p. 333-346)

Petculescu, L.
-The Roman Army as a Factor of Romanization in the North-Eastern Part of Moesia Inferior (BSS 5, p. 31-42)

Petersen, J.H. & Handberg, S.
-D Glossed Pottery (BSS 13, p. 185-260, plates 98-152)

Petersen, J.H.
-Kurgan Burials from Nymphaion – A New Approach (BSS 8, p. 215-236)
-Cultural Interactions and Social Strategies on the Pontic Shores. Burial Customs in the Northern Black Sea Area c. 550-270 BC (BSS 12, p. 1-362)

Petrova, A.
-A Pontic Group of Hellenistic Mouldmade Bowls (BSS 16, p. 215-231)

Puklina, O.O.
-Re Glass Objects (BSS 13, p. 487-498, plates 370-375)

Reger, G.
-Traders and Travelers in the Black and Aegean Seas (BSS 6, p. 273-286)

Rehm, E.
-The Impact of the Achaemenids on Thrace: A Historical Review (BSS 11, p. 137-160)
-The Classification of Objects from the Black Sea Region Made or Influenced by the Achaemenids (BSS 11, p. 161-194)

Rempel, J.E. & Alcock, S.E.
-The More Unusual Dots on the Map: "Special-Purpose" Sites and the Texture of Landscape (BSS 4, p. 27-46)

Rogl, C.
Mouldmade Relief Bowls from Ephesos – The Current State of Research (BSS 16, p. 113-139)

Rotroff, S.I.
-Four Centuries of Athenian Pottery (BSS 3, p. 11-30)
-Sulla and the Pirates (BSS 16, p. 83-109)

Rusjaeva, A.S.
-The Main Development of the Western Temenos of Olbia in the Pontos (BSS 1, p. 93-116)
-S Graffiti (BSS 13, p. 499-518, plates 376-401)

Samojlova, T.L., Lawall, M., Lejpunskaja, N.A. & Diatroptov, P.D.
-L Transport Amphoras (BSS 13, p. 355-406, plates 270-301)

Sanders, G.D.R., Miura, Y. & Kvapil, L.
-A Re-examination of Some of the South Stoa Wells at Corinth (BSS 16, p. 65-81)

Saprykin, S.Ju.
-The Chersonesean Farmhouse on Land-plot no. 49 on the Lighthouse Point (BSS 1, p. 145-163)
-The Chora in the Bosporan Kingdom (BSS 4, p. 273-288)
-The Religion and Cults of the Pontic Kingdom: Political Aspects (BSS 9, p. 249-276)
-The Unification of Pontos: The Bronze Coins of Mithridates VI Eupator as Evidence for Commerce in the Euxine (BSS 6, p. 195-208)

Smekalova, T.N. & Smekalov, S.L
-Ancient Roads and Land Division in the Chorai of the European Bosporos and Chersonesos on the Evidence of Air Photographs, Mapping and Surface Survey (BSS 4, p. 207-248)

Smekalova, T.N.
-Archaeological Sites of the Southwestern Part of Bosporos and their Connection to the Landscape (BSS 8, p. 207-214)
-The Earliest Application of Brass and “Pure” Copper in the Hellenistic Coinages of Asia Minor and the Northern Black Sea Coast (BSS 9, p. 233-248)
-Geomagnetic Surveys in the Territory of Labrys (Semibratnee Townsite) in 2006-2008 (BSS 11, p. 103-110)

Sökmen, E.
-Characteristics of the Temple States in Pontos (BSS 9, p. 277-288)

Stolba, V.F.
-Fish and Money: Numismatic Evidence for Black Sea Fishing (BSS 2, p. 115-132)
-Guderne i Chersones: Parthenos og Herakles (SHS 2, p. 53-64)
-Hellenistic Chersonesos: Towards Establishing a Local Chronology (BSS 3, p. 153-177)
-Local Patterns of Trade in Wine and the Chronological Implications of Amphora Stamps (BSS 6, p. 149-160)
-Some Reflections on the Amphora Stamps with the Name of Amastris (BSS 1, p. 279-301)

Stone, P., Berlin, A. & Herbert, S.
-Dining in State: The Table Wares from the Persian-Hellenistic Administrative Building at Kadesh (BSS 16, p. 307-321)

Summerer, L. & Kienlin, A. von
-Achaemenid Impact in Paphlagonia: Rupestral Tombs in the Amnias Valley (BSS 11, p. 195-222)

Summerer, L.
-Indigenous Responses to Encounters with the Greeks in Northern Anatolia: The Reception of Architectural Terracottas in the Iron Age Settlements of the Halys Basin (BSS 8, p. 263-286)
-The Search for Mithridates. Reception of Mithridates VI between the 15th and the 20th Centuries (BSS 9, p. 15-34)

Trakadas, A.
-The Archaeological Evidence for Fish Processing in the Western Mediterranean (BSS 2, p. 47-82)

Treister, M.
-"Achaemenid" and "Achaemenid-inspired" Goldware and Silverware, Jewellery and Arms and their Imitations to the North of the Achaemenid Empire (BSS 11, p. 223-280)

Tunkina, I.V.
-The Formation of a Russian Science of Classical Antiquities of Southern Russia in the 18th and Early 19th century (BSS 1, p. 303-364)

Tuplin, C.
-Revisiting Dareios' Scythian Expedition (BSS 11, p. 281-312)

Vachtina, M. Ju.
-Archaic Buildings of Porthmion (BSS 1, p. 37-54)
-Greek Orientalising Pottery from Barbarian Sites of the Forrest-steppe Zone of the Northern Black Sea Coastal Region (BSS 6, p. 23-38)

Vickers, M. & Kakhidze, A.
-A Kolchian and Greek Settlement: Excavations at Pičvnari 1967 to 2005 (BSS 8, p. 131-148)

Vinogradov, Ju.A.
-Rhythms of Eurasia and the Main Historical Stages of the Kimmerian Bosporos in Pre-Roman Times (BSS 8, p. 13-28)
-Two Waves of Sarmatian Migrations in the Black Sea Steppes during the Pre-Roman Period (BSS 1, p.217-226)

Whitmarsh, T.
-Dion og kejserne (SHS 4, p. 29-44)

Wilkins, J.
-Fish as a Source of Food in Antiquity (BSS 2, p. 21-30)

Winther-Jacobsen, K., Attema, P., Guldager Bilde, P. & Neef, W. de
-Appendix 1: Site Catalogue (BSS 14, p. 165-278)

Winther-Jacobsen, K.
-The Settlement Data of the DSP Landscape (BSS 14, p. 53-102, plates)

Woolf, G.
-Pliny's Province (BSS 5, p. 93-108)

Zajcev, Ju.P.
-Absolute and Relative Chronology of Scythian Neapolis in the 2nd Century BC (BSS 3, p. 259-273)

Zin'ko, V.N.
-The Chora of Nymphaion (6th Century BC-6th Century AD) (BSS 4, p. 289-308)

Zolotarev, M.I.
-A Hellenistic Ceramic Deposit from the North-eastern Sector of Chersonesos (BSS 3, p. 193-216)

Zubar’, V.M. & Kravčenko, E.A.
-Interpretation of a Group of Archaeological Sites in the Vicinity of Tauric Chersonesos (BSS 1, p. 185-195)

Žuravlev, D.V. & Lomtadze, G.
-Hellenistic Pottery from the Necropolis of Olbia Pontike (BSS 16, p. 175-197)

Žuravlev, D. & Žuravleva, N.
Late Hellenistic Pottery and Lamps from Pantikapaion: Recent finds (BSS 16, p. 255-286)

Žuravlev, D.V.
-Lighting Equipment of the Northern Pontic Area in the Roman and Late Roman Periods: Imports and Local Production (BSS 6, p. 209-238)

Žuravleva, N. & Žuravlev, D.
Late Hellenistic Pottery and Lamps from Pantikapaion: Recent finds (BSS 16, p. 255-286)