Aarhus Universitets segl

Panskoye I

Panskoye I, Vol. 1

Edited by Lise Hannestad, Vladimir F. Stolba & Alexander N. Sceglov            
Aarhus University Press 2002
Hard copy from Aarhus University Press

The first volume of Panskoye I reports the results of research into a monumental building (U6), which was erected after the takeover by the city of Chersonesos, and details the very varied and rich finds such as sculpture, pottery, lamps, terracottas, coins, metals, stone and glass objects, and graffiti, excavated here. The architecture and layout of the building is studied in detail, and the results of a number of scientific studies, such as geological, palaeo-botanical and petrographic analyses are also included. The Introduction presents the large-scale survey of Northwestern Crimea which began in 1959, of which the excavations of Panskoye I (1964-94) form a central part.

Table of contents and download of pdf-files


Colophon (p. 1-4)

Contents (p. 5-7)

Preface (p. 9-10)

List of plates

A.N. Šceglov
Introduction (p. 11-25), (plate 1-8)

Part I, The Monumental Building U6 

A.N. Šceglov
Monumental Building U6 (p. 27-98), (plate 9-1617-42

Part II, The Finds

V.I. Kac, S.Ju. Monachov, V.F. Stolba, A.N. Šceglov
Tiles and Ceramic Containers by (p. 101-126), (plate 43-61)

L. Hannestad, H. Blinkenberg Hastrup, V.F. Stolba
Black-Glazed, Red-Figure, and Grey Ware Pottery (p. 127-149), (plate 62-76)

S.V. Kašaev
Commonware (p. 150-179), (plate 77-108)

V.F. Stolba
Handmade Pottery by (p. 180-200), (plate 109-137)

L. Hannestad
Lamps (p. 201-202), (plate 138)

L. Hannestad
Terracottas (p. 203-212), (plate 139-141)

A.N. Šceglov
Cult sculpture, Altars, Sacred Vessels and Votives (p. 213-227), (plate 142-149)

V.F. Stolba
Graffiti and Dipinti (p. 228-244), (plate 150-159)

A.M. Gilevič
Coins (p. 245-251), (plate 160)

E.Ja. Rogov
Metal Objects (p. 252-267), (plate 161-170)

E.Ja. Rogov
Stone Objects (p. 268-271), (plate 171-174)

E.Ja. Rogov
Ceramic Objects (p. 272-275), (plate 175)

E.Ja. Rogov
Glass Objects (p. 276-277), (plate 176)

E.Ja. Rogov
Bone Objects (p. 278-279), (plate 176)

L. Hannestad, V.F. Stolba, A.N. Šceglov
Conclusion (p. 280-282)


I. N.S. Blagovolin, A.N. Šceglov
Archaeological, Palaeogeographic, and Geomorphological Researches in the Lake Sasyk (Panskoye) Region (p. 285-302), (plate 177-186)

II. A.N. Šceglov, N.B. Selivanova
Petrographic Analysis of Stamped Amphorae (p. 303-316), (plate 187-189)

III. G.M. Kovnurko
Petrophysical Study of the Handmade Pottery (p. 317-326), (plate 190)

IV. Z.V. Januševic, A.N. Šceglov
Palaeoethnobotanical Material (p. 327-331)

V. A.K. Kasparov
Osseous Remains (p. 332-333), (plate 191)

Concordance (p. 334-342)

Abbreviations (p. 343-344)

Bibliography (p. 345-364)

Epigraphical index (p. 365-366)

Geographical index (p. 367-368)