Edited by Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen |
At the height of the Empire, Roman control extended over two-thirds of the Pontic shoreline. The advent of Rome brought immediate changes in administration, taxation and power relations. Over time other less tangible, but no less important changes in lifestyle, modes of thought, self-perception and consumption patterns followed. This volume traces the cultural impact of Rome on its Pontic dominions, as well as the reation of the indigenous population.
Table of contents and download of pdf-files
Colophon and contents (p. 1-8)
Introduction (p. 9-14)
Jakob Munk Højte
From Kingdom to Province: Reshaping Pontos after the Fall of Mithridates VI (p. 15-30)
Liviu Petculescu
The Roman Army as a Factor of Romanization in the North-Eastern Part of Moesia Inferior (p. 31-42)
Daniela Dueck
Memnon of Herakleia on Rome and the Romans (p. 43-62)
Jesper Majbom Madsen
Intellectual Resistance to Roman Hegemony and its Representativity (p. 63-84)
Thomas Corsten
The Role and Status of the Indigenous Population in Bithynia (p. 85-92)
Greg Woolf
Pliny's Province (p. 93-108)
Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen
Local Politics in an Imperial Context (p. 109-118)
Anne Marie Carstens
Cultural Contact and Cultural Change: Colonialism and Empire (p. 119-132)
Jørgen Christian Meyer
What Have the Romans ever Done for Us? How to Win Wars and also the Peace (p. 133-150)
Bibliography (p. 151-163)
Indeces (p. 165-186)