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Mithridates VI and the Pontic Kingdom

Edited by Jakob Munk Højte.                                                 
Aarhus University Press 2009
Hard copy from Aarhus University Press

Mithridates VI Eupator, the last king of Pontos, was undoubtedly one of the most prominent figures in the late Hellenistic period. Throughout his long reign (120-63 BC), the political and cultural landscape of Asia Minor and the Black Sea area was reshaped along new lines. The authors present new archaeological research and new interpretations of various aspects of Pontic society including its contacts with the Greek world and its eastern neighbours, and investigate the background for the expansion of the Pontic Kingdom that eventually led to the confrontation with Rome.

Table of contents and download of pdf-files

Colophon (p. 1-6)

Jakob Munk Højte
Introduction (p. 7-14)

Lâtife Summerer
The Search for Mithridates. Reception of Mithridates VI between the 15th and the 20th Centuries (p. 15-34)

Christian Marek
Hellenisation and Romanisation in Pontos-Bithynia: An Overview (p. 35-46)

Oleg L. Gabelko
The Dynastic History of the Hellenistic Monarchies of Asia Minor According to the Chronography of George Synkellos (p. 47-62)

François de Callataÿ
The First Royal Coinages of Pontos (from Mithridates III to Mithridates V) (p. 63-94)

Jakob Munk Højte
The Administrative Organisation of the Pontic Kingdom (p. 95-108)

Robert Fleischer
The Rock-tombs of the Pontic Kings in Amaseia (Amasya) (p. 109-120)

Jakob Munk Højte
The Death and Burial of Mithridates VI (p. 121-130)

Patric-Alexander Kreuz
Monuments for the King: Royal Presence in the Late Hellenistic World of Mithridates VI (p. 131-144)

Jakob Munk Højte
Portraits and Statues of Mithridates VI (p. 145-162)

Marek Jan Olbrycht
Mithridates VI Eupator and Iran (p. 163-190)

Jesper Majbom Madsen
The Ambitions of Mithridates VI: Hellenistic Kingship and Modern Interpretations (p. 191-202)

Brian C. McGing
Mithridates VI Eupator: Victim or Aggressor? (p. 203-216)

Luis Ballesteros-Pastor
Troy, between Mithridates and Rome (p. 217-232)

Tat’jana N. Smekalova
The Earliest Application of Brass and “Pure” Copper in the Hellenistic Coinages of Asia Minor and the Northern Black Sea Coast (p. 233-248)

Sergej Ju. Saprykin
The Religion and Cults of the Pontic Kingdom: Political Aspects (p. 249-276)

Emine Sökmen
Characteristics of the Temple States in Pontos (p. 277-288)

Deniz Burcu Erciyas
Komana Pontike: A City or a Sanctuary? (p. 289-312)

Attilio Mastrocinque
The Antikythera Shipwreck and Sinope’s Culture during the Mithridatic Wars (p. 313-320)

Evgenij A. Molev
Bosporos under the Rule of Mithridates VI Eupator (p. 321-328)

Alexander V. Gavrilov
Coin Finds from the Kuru Baš Fortified Settlement and Some Questions Concerning the History of Theodosia in the Late 2nd and 1st Centuries BC (p. 329-352)

Indices (p. 353-372)

Contributors (p. 373-375)