Det er i år 70 år siden, at Royal Air Force gennemførte et luftangreb på parkkollegierne ved Aarhus Universitet. Angrebet var bestilt af den jyske modstandsbevægelse, fordi Gestapo havde hovedkvarter og arkiver i bygningerne.
AU Universitetshistorie fortæller i en særudstilling om den mest dramatiske dag i Aarhus Universitets historie: Hvad der gik forud for angrebet, selve bombningen og tiden derefter.
Udstillingen løber i perioden 2.11.-23.11.2014. Forlænget til torsdag d. 27. november.
This is the 70th anniversary of the RAF air raid on the halls of residence at Aarhus University. The raid was ordered by the Jutland resistance movement because the Gestapo had their headquarters and archives in the university buildings.
AU University History has a separate exhibition recounting the story of the most dramatic day in the history of Aarhus University: the preparations, the air raid itself, and the consequences.
The exhibition runs from 2.11.2014 to 23.11.2014. Prolonged to Thursday 27th of November.